Saturday, August 9, 2008


Please someone return back those bygone days, those days filled with moments of eternal harmony and ecstasy, please someone come forward and return them back, those days from my early childhood filled with nothing but raptures and innocence, Oh! Where are those days, when I used to run about and hug and smother my parents with kisses, or for that matter my granny and grand pa or my siblings, or even the near and dear ones or my nanny, Oh! Why and where, how and when, did I ever leave them behind? Those innocent moments filled with raptures.

I am sure thoughts similar to these kind, might be traversing through the minds of nearly all the grown ups, all over this planet irrespective of their beliefs, color, ethnicity, status and sex, equally I am sure that their respective gods, will have no answer to this question, nor the power to grant them this wish, only if one could go back in Time, then and only then, it would be possible, am I right? But no I do not think so, just think about the implication this thought itself carries, I leave it to your fertile diagnostic brain. At least it makes me shudder.

In the first place, why-WHY, is such a inconspicuous and a single word, but when asked to the right person, with proper earnest, in reply, it will open floodgates of, innumerous words- yes why, did we leave them behind, that today we are in search of them, did we outgrow of our innocence, or did we get carried away on this road, which we are yet traveling, but then where to are we traveling?

Was our quest so big that it overshadowed everything around it, that in its wake, we forgot to hug, to love, to smother the very people with kisses, without giving any thoughts to their feelings. This quest created innumerous things, amongst them, religions, gods, goddesses, preaching one thing in common, ‘herein lies your way to salvation,’ all had the same agenda with a different approach and route and somewhere down the road the way was lost.

Instead of interreligious tolerance, the ugly head of non tolerance crept in, people on religious lines started hounding and baying for each others blood, wonder in these moments of crisis the gods, where they were, or the preachers of religion where they vanished, the loving arms meant for holding and hugging with love and compassion, took up arms to kill each other in the name of religious fanaticism.

Loosing our way was easy; retracing became difficult, this is where we must have lost those moments, of which we are in search of today. The Bible, Gita, Koran other religious scriptures, written by men over a period of thousands of years, teaching one thing in common, of love compassion, tolerance, sacrifice and unison, lost out on the greed of a few handful of preachers, our world, mankind stood divided, maybe this is how we lost out.

For whatsoever reason we lost out we forgot that, the road being traversed by each and everyone of us is leading to one single destination, yet we are baying, yet we are intolerant, yet we are incompassionate, devoid of love and respect to the feelings of others ideologies, their beliefs, how come, we the intelligent race, the superior race fell in this rut.

Do you know the difference between a rut and a groove? The only difference is the dimension. Grooves are good; you can slide along the path in the way you should go. Ruts are so deep you can't get out, and can't do anything different.

Let the one fallen in groove, get up before sliding into a rut and extend his hand to the ones fallen in rut, help them to, get to their feet, irrespective of who they are, pull them out and hold them, give them a long hug, which will give them the assurance of everything not being lost, giving you the much needed reassurance, that everything is yet, in the right perspective.

Maybe nothing is lost yet that it can’t be retrieved, you don’t have to search nor beg for those lost bygone days, those days filled with moments of eternal harmony and ecstasy, for those moments are still within you, because, you are searching for them, they are imbibed, in the most sacred recess of your heart and your mind.

To start with, go ahead stretch your arms, draw someone from within the family, first thing in the morning close to you, give a hug hold tightly for at least ten to twenty seconds, feel the flow of positive vibes, see nothing is lost. Let us not forget the stream of life for each one of us, will take us down the river of humanity, to ultimately merge, within the sea of tranquility, the eternal peace, the death.

Please Post Your Comments:-

1 comment:

Delaney said...

How many wars were started in the name of God? Too many. And each side believing that God is on their side. Human beings do too many horrible things in the name of God for any of their actions to be honorable or caring which is what should be done in the name of God, regardless of which religion it is based on.
Most religions preach love and understanding but, unfortunately, most don't practice the basic tenants of their belief.
Great post.