Thursday, August 28, 2008


Eyes are said to be the windows to our soul, but alas! No one has ever seen, what the soul looks like, but then, is our soul a window to ….what, a Supreme Power, to God, or to the very central core of our beliefs, or to the deepest domain of our thoughts, well the answers will be varied, as per the individual’s beliefs, but again all-hypothetical.

So let us not lower ourselves into the deepest of abysses, to extract the proof, for giving credence to the existence of one’s soul. Instead of complicating matters further, let us dwell within ourselves to find the answer. Isn’t it that within us, there is an inbuilt guiding force to make us choose between what is right, or for that matter, what is wrong, some have named it as conscience, others call it our soul, as Shakespeare had said, ‘What is in a name.’ A “Rose” won’t smell any different, if called something else, will it?

One thing is sure in my mind that our core of beliefs, our domain of thoughts, is to where, this window fans out to. After all, deep within this core, in this domain, it is all ingrained in our subconscious, imprinted in our genes, down the lineage, to the rights and wrongs of life and thoughts, the do’s and don’ts, the good the bad.

This, I am not writing to prove or disprove the existence of soul, because, when we do differentiate between, morality-immorality, when we debate upon virtues, ethics, principles, then somewhere we do accept the existence of our soul, our conscience, now it is an all together different matter, as to where this window opens, for an atheist it may open to some supreme power, for a believer to the God, but for a person like me, it is important to accept the existence of soul or conscience, which ever name you like. ‘What is in a name?’

Pl. Post your comments:-

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