Are we all destined to take our place on this earth, to be born, scientifically we do know, how we are conceived, but then there are thousands of healthy couples who are capable, but still they are unable to conceive a child, for which science is having no definite answer
as to why this happens, so are we really ordained?
If we yes then, should we not construe that, “If life is by accident then death is imminent.” There has to be someone who is writing our destiny, over the tens and thousands of years, the sages, the philosophers do have called this creator of life, as God, a Super Power.
Down the ages, mankind has got divided in various religions, sects, each having their own versions of God, ultimately the Creator was also destined to be divided in different forms, with diverse names, man divided his own Creator.
Was this also our destiny, or was it a mistake on part of our Creator, how come God was fallible, was He? Or was it His own way of teaching us, that what you are doing is the wrong thing, do not divide yourself, that you all are same; all are equal in His eyes. If that was the case why did we fail, was our personal ambition, our greed as overwhelming as to, not pay heed to our very own Creator’s teachings
It is but obvious that few adamant, greedy, over ambitious individuals, turned into radicals, decided to play the role of god, they were not satisfied in splitting humanity on grounds of religion and took one step further towards the nadir, by splitting the masses into classes and sub classes, different factions, castes and creeds, spreading a wave of hatred, pitching men against men, brothers against brothers, sisters against sisters, up in arms against each others.
A process started by fanatics, today being fuelled by preachers, by politicians for their own personal immoral gains, without any compunction, these very handful of unscrupulous elements are ruling the world, somewhere drastically something has gone wayward, or is that God has taken a back seat, contemplating what destiny should be written or is the era of godliness over, has God gone into hibernation and Satan taken over.
Looking at the chaos all around us, the mayhem that is taking place, the bloodshed in the name of religion, power and material gains that has been let loose, as some wild dogs on the scent of blood trail and hounding behind their prey, it seems understandable that, God has taken the back seat, so as to rewrite the destiny of mankind and in the meanwhile, allowed an open field to Satan.
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I see you are alive and thinking deep thoughts after being away for awhile. Glad to see that you are back and writing profound thoughts again. Welcome back.
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