Tuesday, July 22, 2008


One doesn’t have to do the same thing, day in and day out, for the rest of his life, nor does one do it. Why, because we all do things, in phases, allow yourself to go through phases. For example, do we keep on cooking the same meals every day, of course not, which ever social strata we belong to, we keep our taste buds active, or else, even the world’s best prepared food will sooner, rather than later, find no takers for it..

Don’t you think so? Then just sit back and visualize for yourself, let the kaleidoscope of your life, which you have lead till dte, slowly unfold in your mind’s eye and take you down the memory aisle, truthfully what you are seeing are those phases of life with good and bad memoirs, bits and pieces of forgotten episodes, some fine anecdotes, some not so fine, some prolonged relationships, some acquired, some wanted, some unwanted.

In these phases of life, that one lives through, the only relationship-time tested one, selfless in approach dedicated and steeped in love, turmoil, anxiety, frustration, sleepless nights, is the love of our parents towards us, a love bordering on mania, as if the child is in perpetual danger, now this phase of love is not helpful to any one and particularly to the development and progress of the protégé..

Protectiveness yes, over protectiveness—a big no, no, it is always detrimental to the child’s progress in his formative years, it can cause stunted mental growth, take a look at the nature, observe it, there are many wonders and marvels around us, from which we are, or can constantly learn from, draw inspiration from. These are the unfortunate phases in the child’s growth due to the inhibitions and misgivings of his doting parents.

These are the phases we all have lived through and shall keep on living through, irrespective of who we are, from where we came, where we are heading towards. The answers are there only you have to read them, understand them, learn about the phases from them, but do it, as the wise men advised, be OPEN-MINDED, in your approach, so as to find them and then, reach for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see my friend that you have a new blog and as always it is wonderful and thought provoking as usual. You make me think and that is what we need to do and be open-minded to new thoughts, ideas, people and places. You do inspire, my friend and that is wonderful!

Congratulations on your new endeavor and I hope it brings joy to you and everyone it touches.